Inside the New Russia: Your Source of Information
“Only the Russians live in Russia, right?” “It is very cold over there, isn’t it?” “Who are these Russians?”
You will find answers to these and other questions here. We worked hard so you can have first-hand information about Russia. We encourage you to go ahead and explore this beautiful country with its good people who are often taken for enemies simply because their government was “red.”
We hope that you will be able to see living people behind the black letters on white paper, and that this aquired knowledge will change your attitude toward “Russians” for better.

Inside the New Russia Project
Project Director: Vitaly Michka
Research: Lubov Yurkiv, Ternopil State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Translated by: Victor Rachkevych, MA, Ternopil State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Editor-in-Chief: Nikolas Michka, International Slavic Christian Institute & Bible College, USA
Editors: Lubov Yurkiv, Vitaly Michka, Irena Picard
Technical Editor: Bogdan Michka
Illustrators: Oleg Blazhkiv, Lubov Yurkiv
Cover Design: Bogdan Michka

Inside the New Russia Bibliography
- Adjiev, M. Lezgins from Taghirjal (in Russian). Vokrug Sveta 5, 1991.
- —————. The quiet Tabasarans (in Russian). Vokrug Sveta 5, 1991.
- Big Soviet Encyclopedia (in Russian). Moscow: “Sovetskaya Entsiklopedia,” 1974.
- Countries and peoples (in Russian). Moscow: “Mysl,” 1984.
- Glushko, M. The Boykys (in Ukrainian). Rodoslav 7-8, 1992.
- Danilyuk, L. The Polishuks (in Ukrainian). Rodoslav 23-24, 1992.
- Maksimova, M. From ‘Imperial’ Union to Commonwealth of Independent States (in Russian). MEMO 4, 1992.
- Milovskiy, L. On fish’s fur (in Russian). Vokrug Sveta 5, 1991.
- National Composition of the Population of the USSR (1989 census) (in Russian). Moscow: “Finansy i Statistika,” 1991.
- On the way to freedom of conscience (in Russian). Moscow: “Progress,” 1989.
- Odintsov, M. I. Government and the Church, 1917-1938 (in Russian). Moscow: “Znaniye,” 1991.
- —————. Walking and suffering (in Russian). Nauka i Religia 5-8, 1991; 5-8, 1992.
- Peoples of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan (in Russian).
- I. Moscow: ANSSR, 1962, v. II. Moscow: ANSSR, 1963.
- Peoples of Siberia (Etnographical reviews) (in Russian). Moscow-Leningrad: ANSSR, 1956.
- Peoples of the European part of the USSR (in Russian). v. I-II. Moscow: “Nauka,” 1964
- Peoples of the world (Historical-ethnographical works) (in Russian). Moscow: “Sovetskaya Entsiklopedia,” 1988.
- Saprykov, V. Revival of Estonian castle (in Russian). Nauka i Zhizn 3, 1993.
- —————. Russian flag over Russia (in Russian). Nauka i Zhizn 2, 1992.
- —————. Armenian three-color flag (in Russian). Nauka i Zhizn 2, 1993.
- —————. Kazakh falcon in flight (in Russian). Nauka i Zhizn 1, 1993.
- —————. Flags of the CIS. Moldova (in Russian). Nauka i Zhizn 4, 1992.
- —————. Flags of the CIS. Uzbekistan. Azerbaijan (in Russian). Nauka i Zhizn 5-6, 1992.
- Siletskiy, R. The Lemkys (in Ukrainian). Rodoslav 9-10, 1992.
- Soviet Union. The complete collection (in Russian). v. I-XX. Moscow: “Mysl,” 1970.
- Stebelska, H. Where do I fit in? (in Ukrainian). Ukraina 11, 1993.
- What is it? Who is it? (in Russian). Moscow: “Pegagogika Press,” 1992.
- Zagorskiy, A. Russia and Europe (in Russian). Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn, January, 1993.
Inside the New Russia Copyright
Inside the New Russia, ISBN: 1-885024-17-7, Printed in the United States of America. 1994 © SC Publishing, Broken Arrow, OK 74013. 2019 © ISCI, Broken Arrow, OK 74014.
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This book is dedicated to all the missionaries who have been and still are working in this part of the world.
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